D r e a m S p a r k l e


Volume 1, Number 1


 Submissions are accepted at any time and will be considered for inclusion in subsequent issues of DreamSparkle.

There is no specific direction that pieces should follow, so you can write on what intrests you, but please edit and proof-read to the best of your ability. DreamSparkle prefers pieces that are quirkly, unusual and don't fit in mainstream publications.

Submissions can be in the form of poetry, prose or imagery combined with commentary. If you wish to submit something in another format, please email me and explain what you have in mind.

Written prose material should be from 500 to 3000 words in length double-spaced in a standard font like Times Roman or Courier and submitted as a MS-Word document. (Please save in 1997-2003 format for ease of use). Rich Text Format is also acceptable, as are simple text files that will open in any text editor.

There is no limit on poetry unless you submit an epic, which may be published under Other.

Photographic images should be no larger than 1Mb in file size, preferably smaller. So edit your resolution accordingly.


Please send submissions for review to bolabunz@gmail.com. Your submission is guarenteed a response.